pH Miracle® Doc Broc's Power Plants - capsules
pH Miracle® Doc Broc's Power Plants - capsules
pH Miracle® Doc Broc's Power Plants - capsules

pH Miracle® Doc Broc's Power Plants - capsules

pH Miracle
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 pH Miracle® Doc Broc's Power Plants

180 Capsules

4th Generation of SuperGreens, Grasses, Vegetables, Low Sugar Fruits and Chlorophyll

If you're looking for a concentrated source of chlorophyll, you can't go wrong with Dr Young's Doc Broc's Power Plants. 

Serving Size - 2 capsules

Suggested Use: Take 2 capsules 3 times daily

The Next Evolution of Innerlight SuperGreens: Dr. Young's Top-Quality Greens Drink Powdered Mix—Doc Broc's Power Plants

Doc Broc's Power Plants is a fourth generation greens mix — green supplement. The Doc Broc's Power Plants is formulated to support a healthy Alkalarian lifestyle and provide your body with the healthy nutrients it needs to combat aging, lose weight, and provide long-lasting energy.

This product is focused more on green nutrient-rich green vegetables, fruits, and grasses than herbs, like it's sister product—pH Miracle Greens (The second generation of SuperGreens).

Essentially, it is the optimal way to get your greens—the raw materials your body needs to power your cells and therefore your entire body—in a convenient and great tasting green drink mix.

Our green mix is created by low-heat dehydration thus preserving, not killing, the nutrients of the living food. We are then able to make a powerfully concentrated mix of vegetables, fruits, and grasses to give you the best product available.

Years ago, when Dr. Young formulated the SuperGreens product formerly sold by Innerlight, Inc. there were few competitors. Now, there are more copy-cat products than we care to count. But with so much competition in the marketplace for green powdered formulations, why not put your trust in the man with the proven science to back up the benefits of the product, and the experience to not only produce quality, but improve on quality formulations he has already made?

If you need more energy, if you’re striving for better health, Doc Broc's Power Plants is potent way to help your body get exactly what it needs. And not only is it health green drink superior to other greens drink products, but it is the best tasting. It’s mild, not bitter, and subtle in flavor.

Besides the inherent nutritional value, vitamins and minerals, that are in the super foods that are used to create the product, one of the main keys to its quality is that’s it is green. It’s chlorophyll rich. This is important because chlorophyll builds the blood, and it’s the blood that sustains and builds your body.

The chlorophyll molecule and the Heme molecule, the center of your blood’s hemoglobin, are essentially identical in structure. The difference is that the center of the Heme molecule is Iron, and the center of the Chlorophyll molecule is Magnesium. This near identical structure is what makes green foods a great blood builder. Let's take a closer look:

Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin: comparing the molecular structure

Chlorophyll is often referred to as the blood of the green plant. No wonder nothing compares to chlorophyll when it comes to building your blood. In fact, if you look at the molecular structure of your hemoglobin you'll find that the core structure is identical to chlorophyll, except for the center atom—Magnesium in chlorophyll and Iron in heme.

Dr. Young's research indicates as you increases your consumption of chlorophyll from green foods and green drinks the quality and quantity of the red blood cells improve. This can be noted on a CBC medical test as the red blood cell count increases and the hemoglobin increases in the healthy ranges. This makes chlorophyll-rich green drinks one of the most efficient ways to get your greens and build your blood. And healthy blood means a healthy body.

So we all need to be eating and drinking our greens. And considering the power of greens, don’t you want to get was much as you can? That’s what Dr. Young was thinking when he created this green energy mix.

None of us can easily sit down to a meal and eat 14 pounds of green vegetables, fruits, and grasses. But with Doc Broc's Greens you’ll get the same benefit as consuming those 14 pounds of greens.

Doc Broc's Power Plants Greens Ingredients:

Avocado, Cucumber, Tomato, Lemon, Lime, Broccoli Sprouts, Spinach, Celery, Parsley, Cabbage, Collard Greens, Okra, Kale, Soy Sprouts, Lemon Grass, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Shave Grass, Oat Grass, and Couch Grass.

Doc Broc is a concentrate of grasses and greens. You may have seen green supplements before at your local health food store. You may have heard about them by Tony Robbins in "Get the Edge" and "Living Health." Single-ingredient powders (just wheat cucumber in our greens drink, grass or alfalfa, for example) may be easier to find, but you should look for a mixture of grasses and vegetables, which are easily assimilated and rapidly alkalizing, and combinations that are naturally rich in fiber, which bind with and remove toxins from the body. Doc Broc Power Plants is nutrient rich and helps to pull your blood and tissues from acidic to alkaline, reaching a natural, ideal, pH balance. The grasses and vegetables contained in a Doc Broc greens contain many grasses and vegetables like kamut grass, barley grass, lemon grass, shave grass, wheat grass, alfalfa leaf, oat grass, soy sprouts, kale, spinach, okra, cabbage, celery, parsley leaf, broccoli, watercress, alfalfa, tomato, peppermint leaf, spearmint leaf, wintergreen leaf, and other similar greens.

Ingredients: avocado, cucumber, tomato, lemon, lime, broccoli sprouts, spinach, celery, parsley, cabbage, collard greens, okra, kale, soy sprouts, lemon grass, wheat grass, barley grass, shave grass, oat grass, couch grass. 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your licensed physician or medical practitioner before using any products, especially if you are taking any drugs or if you are pregnant or nursing. Protect from heat and light. Store out of reach of children.

Buy Doc Broc's Powder Green Drink here


 "I’m thrilled to report that my very first order placed with you arrived safely!  Have started taking my DOC BROC GREENS and am a happy camper! Please know that I have every intention of placing more orders—for more products—with you in the not too distant future.  I’m totally jazzed about how easy you made this entire ordering process.  Thank you for this wonderful service! BLESSINGS, -- Donna Marie"

 "I miss the days when I regularly consumed your Doc Broc Greens and was much stricter about what I ate. I'll make it back there soon. -- Daniel K."

  "I finally found something that works for me. I am buying this product on a regular basis. I try supplements all the time so I have experience with various companies. I am so happy to have found this product. Doc Broc has different vegetables and fruits and I feel great.   Thank you." -- Veronica M.

 "This is an excellent supplement if you know you're not going to be eating well for the day. It has so many great nutrients in it. I buy Doc Broc powder and like to carry capsules with me when I an at work or on vacation. Will order again soon. Thank you." -- Teresa B.

 "Your  knowledge and explanation of how the body truly functions is beyond most peoples comprehension of importance, truly mind body and spirit life-changing! 7 months ago I purchased your pH Miracle Watermark and started using pH Miracle pHour Salts, Organic Greens, Doc Broc’s Power Plants (I mix the two greens daily) & iJuice Chlorophyll. Your products are as life-changing as your information is! At 51 years of age I’ve watched my body transform over the past 7 months. If I didn’t personally experience the changes I wouldn’t believe it. Because of your recommendation I started using MasterPeace 1 month ago. I’ve experience a sharper awareness, clarity, yet a peaceful calmness. The biggest most noticeable improvement has been in my quality of sleep. I hadn’t had any problems sleeping I’ve just noticed they’ve been much more relaxing and restful. I noticed this within the first week. Thank you for your life-changing knowledge & fierce courage to spread it to all, God bless."--Yours Truly, Hamma R.


Check Our PH Miracle Collection Here

 pH Miracle® Doc Broc's Power Plants

180 Capsules

4th Generation of SuperGreens, Grasses, Vegetables, Low Sugar Fruits and Chlorophyll

If you're looking for a concentrated source of chlorophyll, you can't go wrong with Dr Young's Doc Broc's Power Plants. 

Serving Size - 2 capsules

Suggested Use: Take 2 capsules 3 times daily

The Next Evolution of Innerlight SuperGreens: Dr. Young's Top-Quality Greens Drink Powdered Mix—Doc Broc's Power Plants

Doc Broc's Power Plants is a fourth generation greens mix — green supplement. The Doc Broc's Power Plants is formulated to support a healthy Alkalarian lifestyle and provide your body with the healthy nutrients it needs to combat aging, lose weight, and provide long-lasting energy.

This product is focused more on green nutrient-rich green vegetables, fruits, and grasses than herbs, like it's sister product—pH Miracle Greens (The second generation of SuperGreens).

Essentially, it is the optimal way to get your greens—the raw materials your body needs to power your cells and therefore your entire body—in a convenient and great tasting green drink mix.

Our green mix is created by low-heat dehydration thus preserving, not killing, the nutrients of the living food. We are then able to make a powerfully concentrated mix of vegetables, fruits, and grasses to give you the best product available.

Years ago, when Dr. Young formulated the SuperGreens product formerly sold by Innerlight, Inc. there were few competitors. Now, there are more copy-cat products than we care to count. But with so much competition in the marketplace for green powdered formulations, why not put your trust in the man with the proven science to back up the benefits of the product, and the experience to not only produce quality, but improve on quality formulations he has already made?

If you need more energy, if you’re striving for better health, Doc Broc's Power Plants is potent way to help your body get exactly what it needs. And not only is it health green drink superior to other greens drink products, but it is the best tasting. It’s mild, not bitter, and subtle in flavor.

Besides the inherent nutritional value, vitamins and minerals, that are in the super foods that are used to create the product, one of the main keys to its quality is that’s it is green. It’s chlorophyll rich. This is important because chlorophyll builds the blood, and it’s the blood that sustains and builds your body.

The chlorophyll molecule and the Heme molecule, the center of your blood’s hemoglobin, are essentially identical in structure. The difference is that the center of the Heme molecule is Iron, and the center of the Chlorophyll molecule is Magnesium. This near identical structure is what makes green foods a great blood builder. Let's take a closer look:

Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin: comparing the molecular structure

Chlorophyll is often referred to as the blood of the green plant. No wonder nothing compares to chlorophyll when it comes to building your blood. In fact, if you look at the molecular structure of your hemoglobin you'll find that the core structure is identical to chlorophyll, except for the center atom—Magnesium in chlorophyll and Iron in heme.

Dr. Young's research indicates as you increases your consumption of chlorophyll from green foods and green drinks the quality and quantity of the red blood cells improve. This can be noted on a CBC medical test as the red blood cell count increases and the hemoglobin increases in the healthy ranges. This makes chlorophyll-rich green drinks one of the most efficient ways to get your greens and build your blood. And healthy blood means a healthy body.

So we all need to be eating and drinking our greens. And considering the power of greens, don’t you want to get was much as you can? That’s what Dr. Young was thinking when he created this green energy mix.

None of us can easily sit down to a meal and eat 14 pounds of green vegetables, fruits, and grasses. But with Doc Broc's Greens you’ll get the same benefit as consuming those 14 pounds of greens.

Doc Broc's Power Plants Greens Ingredients:

Avocado, Cucumber, Tomato, Lemon, Lime, Broccoli Sprouts, Spinach, Celery, Parsley, Cabbage, Collard Greens, Okra, Kale, Soy Sprouts, Lemon Grass, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Shave Grass, Oat Grass, and Couch Grass.

Doc Broc is a concentrate of grasses and greens. You may have seen green supplements before at your local health food store. You may have heard about them by Tony Robbins in "Get the Edge" and "Living Health." Single-ingredient powders (just wheat cucumber in our greens drink, grass or alfalfa, for example) may be easier to find, but you should look for a mixture of grasses and vegetables, which are easily assimilated and rapidly alkalizing, and combinations that are naturally rich in fiber, which bind with and remove toxins from the body. Doc Broc Power Plants is nutrient rich and helps to pull your blood and tissues from acidic to alkaline, reaching a natural, ideal, pH balance. The grasses and vegetables contained in a Doc Broc greens contain many grasses and vegetables like kamut grass, barley grass, lemon grass, shave grass, wheat grass, alfalfa leaf, oat grass, soy sprouts, kale, spinach, okra, cabbage, celery, parsley leaf, broccoli, watercress, alfalfa, tomato, peppermint leaf, spearmint leaf, wintergreen leaf, and other similar greens.

Ingredients: avocado, cucumber, tomato, lemon, lime, broccoli sprouts, spinach, celery, parsley, cabbage, collard greens, okra, kale, soy sprouts, lemon grass, wheat grass, barley grass, shave grass, oat grass, couch grass. 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your licensed physician or medical practitioner before using any products, especially if you are taking any drugs or if you are pregnant or nursing. Protect from heat and light. Store out of reach of children.

Buy Doc Broc's Powder Green Drink here


 "I’m thrilled to report that my very first order placed with you arrived safely!  Have started taking my DOC BROC GREENS and am a happy camper! Please know that I have every intention of placing more orders—for more products—with you in the not too distant future.  I’m totally jazzed about how easy you made this entire ordering process.  Thank you for this wonderful service! BLESSINGS, -- Donna Marie"

 "I miss the days when I regularly consumed your Doc Broc Greens and was much stricter about what I ate. I'll make it back there soon. -- Daniel K."

  "I finally found something that works for me. I am buying this product on a regular basis. I try supplements all the time so I have experience with various companies. I am so happy to have found this product. Doc Broc has different vegetables and fruits and I feel great.   Thank you." -- Veronica M.

 "This is an excellent supplement if you know you're not going to be eating well for the day. It has so many great nutrients in it. I buy Doc Broc powder and like to carry capsules with me when I an at work or on vacation. Will order again soon. Thank you." -- Teresa B.

 "Your  knowledge and explanation of how the body truly functions is beyond most peoples comprehension of importance, truly mind body and spirit life-changing! 7 months ago I purchased your pH Miracle Watermark and started using pH Miracle pHour Salts, Organic Greens, Doc Broc’s Power Plants (I mix the two greens daily) & iJuice Chlorophyll. Your products are as life-changing as your information is! At 51 years of age I’ve watched my body transform over the past 7 months. If I didn’t personally experience the changes I wouldn’t believe it. Because of your recommendation I started using MasterPeace 1 month ago. I’ve experience a sharper awareness, clarity, yet a peaceful calmness. The biggest most noticeable improvement has been in my quality of sleep. I hadn’t had any problems sleeping I’ve just noticed they’ve been much more relaxing and restful. I noticed this within the first week. Thank you for your life-changing knowledge & fierce courage to spread it to all, God bless."--Yours Truly, Hamma R.


Check Our PH Miracle Collection Here