Truth vs. Deception - Liberty vs. Tyranny - Part 2
by T. M. Ballantyne Jr.(Author), Dr. Robert O. Young PhD(Author)
TRUTH vs. DECEPTION IIliterally takes up where TRUTH Ileaves off. Like its predecessor, much of it is written in “real time,” as the events have unfolded. So, as the saying goes, the information (realnews) contained herein, is “hot off the press”!As Dr. Tess Lawrie, founder of the World Council of Health, so forcefully brought home in her reading of Margaret Anna Alice’s now-classic poem, “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice,” none of this was by accident!ALL of it was by design, years – if not decades or more – in the making; now entering the final phases of implementing “global governance,” as the Davos crowd euphemistically phrases it. As in TRUTH I,the people and institutions “behind the curtain” are fully exposed herein. This book spells out both the plan and the methods for eliminating much of the world’s population, and controlling the rest. It does so in a way that is both reader-friendly and entertaining - a must-read for all who are searching for the truth in today’s tidal wave of deception!
Truth vs. Deception - Liberty vs. Tyranny - Part 2
by T. M. Ballantyne Jr.(Author), Dr. Robert O. Young PhD(Author)
TRUTH vs. DECEPTION IIliterally takes up where TRUTH Ileaves off. Like its predecessor, much of it is written in “real time,” as the events have unfolded. So, as the saying goes, the information (realnews) contained herein, is “hot off the press”!As Dr. Tess Lawrie, founder of the World Council of Health, so forcefully brought home in her reading of Margaret Anna Alice’s now-classic poem, “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice,” none of this was by accident!ALL of it was by design, years – if not decades or more – in the making; now entering the final phases of implementing “global governance,” as the Davos crowd euphemistically phrases it. As in TRUTH I,the people and institutions “behind the curtain” are fully exposed herein. This book spells out both the plan and the methods for eliminating much of the world’s population, and controlling the rest. It does so in a way that is both reader-friendly and entertaining - a must-read for all who are searching for the truth in today’s tidal wave of deception!