Metabolic and Dietary Acids Are the Fuel That Lights the Fuse That Ignites Inflammation That Leads to Cancer!
Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD
Recent research has suggested that there is a link between tissue inflammation and a cancerous condition. In the following article I have suggested that the cause of inflammation is the retention of metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids that have not been properly removed through the four channels of elimination - urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration. I have also suggested that acidic waste that has not been eliminated via the four channels of elimination will be deposited into the connective and fatty tissues in order to protect and maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids, including the blood, lymph, interstitial and intracellular fluids. When excess metabolic and/or dietary acids build up in the tissues, glands and organs this is what causes inflammation. Finally, when inflammation in the tissues, organs or glands is not removed this may eventually lead to a cancerous condition. In this article I suggest in theory that the cause of cancer is the result of a build up of metabolic, dietary, environmental and respiratory acids that have not been properly removed via the elimination organs and that the treatment for inflammation that leads to cancer is to support the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet, managing the pH of the body fluids, and opening up and removing acidic wastes via the four channels of elimination.
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Metabolic and Dietary Acids Are the Fuel That Lights the Fuse That Ignites Inflammation That Leads to Cancer!
Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD
Recent research has suggested that there is a link between tissue inflammation and a cancerous condition. In the following article I have suggested that the cause of inflammation is the retention of metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids that have not been properly removed through the four channels of elimination - urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration. I have also suggested that acidic waste that has not been eliminated via the four channels of elimination will be deposited into the connective and fatty tissues in order to protect and maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids, including the blood, lymph, interstitial and intracellular fluids. When excess metabolic and/or dietary acids build up in the tissues, glands and organs this is what causes inflammation. Finally, when inflammation in the tissues, organs or glands is not removed this may eventually lead to a cancerous condition. In this article I suggest in theory that the cause of cancer is the result of a build up of metabolic, dietary, environmental and respiratory acids that have not been properly removed via the elimination organs and that the treatment for inflammation that leads to cancer is to support the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet, managing the pH of the body fluids, and opening up and removing acidic wastes via the four channels of elimination.